Category Archives: Cover Love

Proofs–it exists!

It’s almost a real book! I now have 5 whole copies to play with. Most of them are spoken for, alas.

But they are sooooo pretty. I believe that copies may be available for review from the Penguin Young Readers group though, but I can’t swear to that.

This is the official bit:

If you would like to request a copy of THE TREACHERY OF BEAUTIFUL THINGS to review on your blog, email Penguin Young Readers Group at yrmarketing (at) us.penguingroup (dot) com. Be sure to include your name, the name and URL of your blog, an address to which a possible review copy can be sent, plus any statistics and/or sample reviews. Please understand that galley quantities are limited and that not all requests can be filled.

Cover LOVE–first look

Just a quick but vital interruption in our scheduled blogging to reveal an almost exclusive thing of wonder.

*dances around, throws confetti, dances some more*


Because I can at last share the beautiful cover for The Treachery of Beautiful Things.* And it’s not just beautiful.

It’s SO EXCITING. *throws more confetti*

Isn't it AWESOME???

It’s so perfect I can’t believe it. It’s Jenny as the May Queen and I can’t stop adoring it.

To differentiate between my adult and YA writing, we decided to publish The Treachery of Beautiful Things under the name Ruth Frances Long. It’s available for Pre-order from Book Depository and Amazon.

Thanks to my wonderful editor and the fantabulous art department at Dial.


*pets cover*

*hugs cover*

Normal service will be returned when I calm down a bit! (It might take a while)



*Ok, so people on my mailing list saw it oooh five minutes ago.