Tag Archives: Tales of the Holtlands

The Wolf’s Destiny, an excerpt for the holidays

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday. As a bit of a Christmas present, and perhaps for some post breakfast/lunch/dinner reading, here’s the opening of The Wolf’s Destiny, book three of A Tale of the Holtlands. In The Wolf’s Sister, Jeren and Shan met when she fled her brother Gilliad’s realm, fearing his growing insanity. In The Wolf’s Mate they fought to stay together among his people, the Fey’na, and battled against their ancestral enemies the Fell’na, cementing their relationship and facing two divergent prophecies – one which predicted their separation, the other spending their lives together. And now, in The Wolf’s Destiny, prophecy and their past come back to haunt them, threatening to tear apart everything they have built together.

Two lives, one love, one destiny. Continue reading The Wolf’s Destiny, an excerpt for the holidays

Planning a present – a free read alert

In all the whirl of preparing for Christmas, I fear I’ve been neglecting my poor blog. The holidays, however you spend them, are usually fairly hectic for us all.

So here’s what I’m going to do – on Christmas morning you will be able to read an excerpt from The Wolf’s Destiny right here.

If you haven’t read the first two stories, The Wolf’s Sister and The Wolf’s Mate, you might like to track them down first – they’re available as ebooks from Samhain or sites such as Book Depository and for Kindle on Amazon, or in the print volume Songs of the Wolf. You can find out more here – Tales of the Holtlands.

So are you ready for adventrue, romance and a magical Christmas read? And what are your holiday plans? Once I’ve tackled that turkey, I’ll probably be barricading myself into the sitting room to watch Dr. Who and Downton Abbey.

Out now: The Wolf’s Destiny

Or… Ok, so you didn’t have to wait as long as my paranoia anticipated!

The Wolf’s Destiny: a tale of the Holtlands Book 3 is now available on Smashwords.

Over the next while it will be available in other places too, but if you want it now (and if you’ve read The Wolf’s Sister and The Wolf’s Mate you want to know how it all turns out don’t you?) it’s available right now on Smashwords.

Self publishing the book was both stressful and really enjoyable as it turned out. Kind of appealed to the perfectionist in me, especially when it came to the formatting.

So please have a look, let people know it’s out there and help spread the word.

In truth this is a way to make the conclusion to Jeren & Shan’s story available to everyone who enjoyed the first two and wanted to find out the rest. So there you go. 🙂

Two lives, one love, one destiny.

In the wild north of Sheninglas, Jeren and Shan have finally made a home together. But the Holtlands are not finished with them yet. When an assassination attempt claims innocent lives, Jeren can stand it no longer. She must make a stand against the tyranny of her brother Gilliad before it is too late. Shan meanwhile struggles against the seed of darkness planted in him by the Fell’na sorceress and the growing knowledge that no matter what he does, he is losing his beloved wife. All their efforts to stay together just seem to tear them further apart, underlining the differences between them. When Jeren declares her intention to go to war, Shan makes one terrible mistake which changes everything.

Their destiny is written. How can it be changed again?



Coming Soon: The Wolf’s Destiny – cover reveal

The Wolf’s Destiny is the final part of my series featuring Jeren and Shan (The Wolf’s Sister and The Wolf’s Mate, which were collected in the print edition Songs of the Wolf).  In order to get this one out, I had to light the gnat-signal and my writing friends came through for me yet again. The fabulous Dayna Hart has designed the most beautiful cover.

This time it’s novel length (how else was I going to pack everything in?) and will be available very soon. It’s going to be ebook only for now, and I’m handling this myself. No not at all terrifying.  More news on the way.


Two lives, one love, one destiny.

In the wild north of Sheninglas, Jeren and Shan have finally made a home together. But the Holtlands are not finished with them yet. When an assassination attempt claims innocent lives, Jeren can stand it no longer. She must make a stand against the tyranny of her brother Gilliad before it is too late. Shan meanwhile struggles against the seed of darkness planted in him by the Fell’na sorceress and the growing knowledge that no matter what he does, he is losing his beloved wife. All their efforts to stay together just seem to tear them further apart, underlining the differences between them. When Jeren declares her intention to go to war, Shan makes one terrible mistake which changes everything.

Their destiny is written. How can it be changed again?