Tag Archives: Cover love

Cover Competition

The cover of The Treachery of Beautiful Things by the very talented Danielle Delaney, is a contender in the Cover Contest 2012 at Cover Cafe. It’s in the Alternate Reality section and up against some stiff competition, so I’d really appreciate your votes!

“Designer Danielle Delaney used a compilation of stock images, including the central photograph of the girl by Mayer George, to create this cover of THE TREACHERY OF BEAUTIFUL THINGS by Ruth Frances Long.”

Isn’t it lovely. Still takes my breath away. 😀

And don’t forget that you can still enter to win a copy of THE TREACHERY OF BEAUTIFUL THINGS here on my website until the 8th.

Proofs–it exists!

It’s almost a real book! I now have 5 whole copies to play with. Most of them are spoken for, alas.

But they are sooooo pretty. I believe that copies may be available for review from the Penguin Young Readers group though, but I can’t swear to that.

This is the official bit:

If you would like to request a copy of THE TREACHERY OF BEAUTIFUL THINGS to review on your blog, email Penguin Young Readers Group at yrmarketing (at) us.penguingroup (dot) com. Be sure to include your name, the name and URL of your blog, an address to which a possible review copy can be sent, plus any statistics and/or sample reviews. Please understand that galley quantities are limited and that not all requests can be filled.