Tag Archives: YAlit

Book birthday – A Crack in Everything

Yes, it’s out today and I am so ridiculously excited!

I’m going to be putting up some images and quotes around the place (Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter etc) so come and read, comment and share.

A Crack in Everything

And if you’re around the Gutter Bookshop on Thursday, come to the launch at 6.30pm and say hello to me and to the marvelous C. E. Murphy

And if you can’t make you can still check out all the details about the book on the O’Brien page.

Cover Reveal 2: A Crack in Everything

You know that saying about buses – you wait ages at the bus stop and then two turn up at once. Apparently it’s the same with covers! I promised you that you wouldn’t have to wait too long for the next YA one, didn’t I?

I saw the draft for this a while ago and squeed so much I seriously think I made noises only bats could hear. The Ninja Puppy whined! The Patchwork Cat stalked off in a huff.

And now all the tweaks are done and I can share the cover for A Crack in Everything which comes out from O’Brien Press at the beginning of September. Only 86 days away!

Let that sink in while I make that noise again, possibly at an even higher pitch and feast your eyes on THIS!

A Crack in Everything

She was a mistake. A crack in the order of the world …

When Izzy Gregory takes a wrong turn down a Dublin alley she stumbles into a shadowy, frightening world where magical beings, angels and demons hold sway. In this place where everything is strange, Izzy finds herself surrounded by danger, chased and threatened. Her only chance of survival lies with Jinx, who’s been sent to capture her. Jinx has known nothing but duty and cruelty from his own kind; Izzy is something altogether new to him – and to his world …

Falling in love was never in the plan, but it might be the one thing that can save them.


And it’s available for pre-Order. Just saying…

What do you think? Essitid?