Tag Archives: The Queen’s Wing

The Stone’s Heart RNA Award Nomination

I’m over the moon to share that The Stone’s Heart, the sequel to The Queen’s Wing by Jessica Thorne has been nominated for the Romantic Novelists Association Fantasy Romantic Novel Award. It’s an amazing shortlist and I’m so delighted to be on it. All the details and all the nominations are on the RNA website here.

We are delighted to announce the shortlists for the prestigious 2020 Romantic Novel Awards in what promises to be a spectacular year for the Association, as we celebrate our 60th (Diamond) Anniversary. Writer and performer Jenny Eclair will present the Awards during a ceremony at Leonardo Royal London City Hotel on Monday 2nd March.

I adore this book and its heroine, Petra. It’s pure Space Opera and Petra herself is kickass and vulnerbale at the same time. I’m absolutely honoured and can’t wait for the party. Fancy gúna has been bought and the golden glittery shoes are making a comeback. Such and adventure.

Thanks so much to Bookouture, my editors Kathryn and Ellen, and my agent Sallyanne, and to all my friends and family.

The Stone’s Heart is out today!

I’m absolutely delighted that The Stone’s Heart, the sequel to The Queen’s Wing by my alter-ego Jessica Thorne is out today. We’re back to Anthaeus, and this time the story is told not just by Bel, but also by Petra, her ever-faithful General of the Queen’s Guard.

But Petra has problems of her own. Not only is her ex, Bel’s brother Zander, on Anathaeus for the wedding, but also a delegation from the Empress, heading by the handsome, charming and enigmatic Lord Teel.


Something evil is gathering power in the kingdom. It knows the secrets in your heart, and nobody is safe…

The Stone’s Heart is out now.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all. And here’s to a great reading and writing year, which begins for me very soon with the publication of The Stone’s Heart, by my alter-ego Jessica Thorne on the 19th February.

The Stone’s Heart is the sequel to The Queen’s Wing. As it follows on directly from the first book, some of the story is in Bel’s point of view and the rest is in that of her bodyguard and friend, Petra Kel’s. Petra was one of those characters that was just meant to be a bit part in the background. But Petra being Petra, refused to stay there. And why would she? She’s awesome.

Yes, I had a minor character who wouldn’t shut up and wanted to be heard. Shocking! (/sarcasm)

For those of you on Netgalley, The Stone’s Heart should be appearing there in just over a week. It’s also available for pre-order on Kindle.

Come back to Anthaeus for another adventure, reunite with old friends and meet some new ones and find out what Petra’s been hiding all this time. And what Zander got up to on Cuore (or some of it anyway).

Any thoughts on who else should feature in future books, I’d love to hear them.