A Hollow in the Hills releases officially on Monday (although it has clearly escaped #inthewild and is #galavanting all over Dublin and beyond) and we never had a book trailer for A Crack in Everything last year. So…
A Hollow in the Hills releases officially on Monday (although it has clearly escaped #inthewild and is #galavanting all over Dublin and beyond) and we never had a book trailer for A Crack in Everything last year. So…
Just to let people know I’ll be mostly offline for the next couple of weeks.
But when I come back… oh when I come back…
*awkward silence*
In the meantime, I found this clip of Eddie Lenihan, a seanchaí, and his story of the black dog. Seanchaí are traditional Irish storytellers and folk historians. I love Black Dog legends. There’s one near where I grew up, and my mother’s family come from Dartmoor so… enough said.
I’m currently reading Eddie Lenihan’s book Meeting the Other Crowd.
For reasons.
Oh my goodness – only one more day to go. How fabulous! It’s so exciting. Tomorrow is the Book Birthday!
This week we’ve had: an interview with me at Xpresso Reads, a wonderful Dream Cast at Book Me! and a guestpost from me about some of the things that went into writing The Treachery of Beautiful Things at Nick’s Book Blog.
It’s the last day of the The Itching For Books Blog Tour but there are still a few coming up over the next few days, so keep your eyes pealed!
Thanks to the joy of Irish weather (which went from unpredictable to biblical today) the last video was filmed entirely indoors but as its about the Ridgeway, the Uffington White Horse and Wayland’s Smithy, that didn’t really matter. Last year while researching The Treachery of Beautiful Things I took a trip to the Ridgeway, so there’s lots of pictures taken there. And it was lovely and sunny!
I hope you’ve enjoyed the videos, the glimpses of some of the inspiration of this book and I hope you’ll enjoy The Treachery of Beautiful Things. It can be bought everywhere from tomorrow (and in a couple of places already) or it can be ordered from (among other places) …
It’s the 10th. And oh my goodness have we been having fun this week. Mars, Katie Taylor, and my friend Maria Duffy’s booklaunch for The Terrace!
The booklaunch was a hoot, and something like a wedding in that people kept saying “It’ll be you next!”
The Itching For Books Blog Tour is ongoing, with some great posts about Treachery, including an interview with me AND an Interview with Jack himself (*swoon* — am I allowed to swoon over my own characters or is that weird?) and today apparently a Dream Cast. Really looking forward to that.
I also got a lovely review today from our Last ARC winner Jeanmarie. And please remember to enter the Story Siren giveaway, and watch the lovely Booktrailer.
And as promised, here is the second of my author videos, this time talking about the Greenman. I’ve always loved the Greenman figure and here’s why. Also this is filmed inside the house because the Irish weather decided it was through cooperating with us (such as it was). So we prepared everything, got ready to film and the sun came out. It looks nice, but it wasn’t a few minutes later. Ah Irish weather, we’re not even going to try…
so in the run up to the launch of The Treachery of Beautiful Things on the 16th August, there’s a lot going on all over the webs, or so it seems. Not least here where I’ve been making author videos explaining some of the inspirations behind the story. The first one is here today – The Enchanted Forest. I shall just hide now as I am on there talking and being Irish I find such recordings of my ramblings mortifying! And yet I still do it.
There will be two more (unless I’m asked to make more – if you’ve any questions let me know) – one on The Greenman (Friday 10th) and one on The Ridgeway and Wayland’s Smithy (Wednesday 15th). They still have to be finished as the Irish weather has not been cooperating. In fact they will probably be filmed indoors at this rate. But this one was made on the last day of summer (or so it seems) although it got a bit windy in places so bear with me.
Oh look, the sun has just come out here. Careful, it may be a trap…
Just to remind everyone that the booktrailer went live on The Story Siren‘s website yesterday along with a giveaway. It’s now up here as well on my Treachery page. It’ll pop up soon on the Treachery of Beautiful Things facebook page and my Tumblr soon (sheesh, I’ll have to go through this post and link everything!)
It’s day 2 of the Itching for Books blog tour with an interview at The Library Mouse and a review at Claire Reads. There are giveaways at all those sites, and at the ones from yesterday as well so go check them out.