Tag Archives: octocon

Exciting 2024 news

So I have been very quiet here of late, but there has been a huge amount going on in the background which I haven’t been able to share as yet.

But now I can share the first really exciting bit of news for 2024. I’m deeply honoured to have been asked to be a Guest of Honour along with Glyn Dillon, at my beloved Octocon this year.

Join us in the Gibson Hotel, 5th-6th October. There will be shenanigans.

Octocon Online

This weekend is Octocon weekend and of course because this year is a hell year things are different. But far from cancelling (how could they have cancelled???)

This is Octocon’s 30th anniversary, Guests of honour are Michael Carroll, and founders Helen Ryder and Phillipa Ryder.


And there’s even more good news. It’s FREE!

You can access it through the miracles of technology and all the details can be found on the Octocon site here

The full programme is here. And this is what I’m up to…

Ruth Frances Long at Octocon 2020

Hope to see you there!

Octocon 2019

On Sunday the 13th of September we’ve having a mini-Octocon (just the one day – I think everyone is still exhausted after Worldcon). All the details are on the website and the programme is now up.

I’m absolutely delighted to be a guest, especially as the theme is fairies! And I’m also there as Jessica Thorne so looking forward to talking about Sci-Fi Romance as well. You can find out what I’m up to here and the details are below. It’s an amazing line up. I hope to see many of you there. Come and say hello.

11am The Fae in Popular Culture
Room 4&5
Tags: panel

On one hand we have the dangerous creatures of Irish mythology and Terry Pratchett’s malicious Lords and Ladies; on the other, sexy elf-lords and twee little creatures with their homes in trees. How have our perceptions and cultural understanding of the Fae been altered, influenced or completely disregarded by modern fantasy novels, Hollywood, and TV shows like Carnival Row and Charmed?

2pm Author Readings
Room 12, 2pm – 2:25pm
Tags: reading

Guest authors Peadar Ó Guilín and Ruth Frances Long/Jessica Thorne read from their recent work.

Romance in SFF: Not Just a Sub Plot
Room 11
Tags: panel

Many SFF stories involve romance – it’s part of human nature, after all. SFF romance as a subgenre is as varied and creative as the genre as a whole but has often been .dismissed and undervalued. But why should lovers (of romance) settle for it being considered second-best to dragons and rocket ships?

5pm From the Terror in the Night to a Bedtime Tale
Room 4&5
Tags: panel

Once gruesome cautionary tales of warning, fairy tales somehow became cute children’s stories instead. Is it time for a return to the horror stories of old or do they need to evolve to remain alive? Are any of them no longer suitable for modern audiences, and is there room for both Disney sweetness and the grimmest of Grimm for children and adults alike?


Octocon 2016

octoconIt’s that time of year again and this weekend it’ll be Octocon, in the Camden Court Hotel, Dublin. Here are the panels I’ll be taking part in over the weekend. I’ll have copies of my books on sale in the tradehall as well and I’ll be happy to sign them for you. I’ll also be hanging out and going to some of the amazing other panels. Really looking forward to it. The full schedule is available here.


Writing Fantastical Worlds

On Writing.ie today, there’s an article from myself and E. R. Murray where we talk about writing Urban Fantasy set in Dublin and discuss writing techniques and ideas – Writing Fantastical Worlds

Just to remind everyone that Octocon is on this weekend. If you’re coming along be sure to say hello. If you aren’t, why not? The fabulous guests of honour are Emma Newman and Maura McHugh.

It also means I might be a bit scarce. Then again, hotel wifi permitting, I might not.

Before that I have to get my act together as I’m visiting a school on Friday morning, a Library next week and then I have the Hodges Figgis YA panel. It’s all go here!

#YAieDay and Octocon

So, #YAieDay is on Twitter tomorrow, a day when we celebrate all things YA in Ireland, and I’m going to be on from 1.10-1.50 swearing… sorry “talking” about swearing with Kim Hood and Sally Nicholls. Follow the #YAieDay hashtag on Twitter and the full (amazing) lineup and programme is here. Thanks to the marvellous Michelle Moloney King for putting this together.

And then, next week it’s Octocon. And the programme is now up online too. Another brilliant line up of people and lots of YA here.

So this is what I’ll be up to.

Busy busy busy…

  • Friday, October 9
    Ireland as a location
    A. Tivoli/Yeats, 7pm – 8pm
  • Saturday, October 10
    As the creator Intended?
    C. Gaiety, 1pm – 2pm
  • 3pm
    Historical Inaccuracies.
    B. Abbey, 3pm – 4pm
  • 7pm
    Late Night Panel: Sex In Fiction/Erotica
    B. Abbey, 7pm – 8pm
  • Sunday, October 11
    A Fantasy of My Own
    A. Tivoli/Yeats, 2pm – 3pm
  • 3pm
    Irish Mythology And Its International Spread
    A. Tivoli/Yeats, 3pm – 4pm
  • 4pm
    Readings from our Authors featuring Planetfall by Emma Newman
    B. Abbey, 4pm – 5pm
  • 5pm
    Practical Magic: Perspectives of Pagans, Gamers, and Fantasy Authors
    B. Abbey, 5pm – 6pm

The whole programme can be found here. Come along and say hello! I will probably be the person rushing between panels but say hello anyway! 😀