1 month until Treachery: the Last ARC giveaway!

Hi all. I’m fresh back from the Romantic Novelists Association Conference in Penrith. Where, among many many other things we met our very own Greenman. No really!

He saluted us and everything. Or maybe he’s scratching his head.

And when I got home I found out about a Greenman Conference in Dublin this weekend. (I probably can’t go, but how awesome is that?)

The Greenman is a really important figure in the folklore I used to create The Treachery of Beautiful Things. I have a Greenman face hanging in my backgarden, looking at me as I type this.

Which all reminded me… Like some kind of conspiracy or grand plan…

The Treachery of Beautiful Things and today it’s only 1 MONTH until the book releases in the US.




Yes, I am just a bit excited. But there’s more.


I have one single Author Review copy left. Yes. The Last ARC, as I have taken to calling it. And I also have some STUFF.


Here is all the STUFF.

The STUFF!!!

There is

A t-shirt/nightdress

A bookmark

A postcard

A fridge magnet

A key ring

And last but not least…

*fanfare* THE LAST ARC!!! *throws leaf shaped confetti*

Actually the confetti is on the borders of the pictures. I got ahead of myself.

So if you want to win, comment below and tell me if the Greenman is trying to tell me something, and if so, what? The competition is open to all internationally and I will pick a winner in some random way next Sunday evening (before I head off to Prague to do some cat-herding for a library conference – there will be pictures of that. OH YES THERE WILL. And later this week there will hopefully be an RNA Conference post ).

Please help to spread the word and tell the world about The Treachery of Beautiful Things.

Remember, they’re only trees!



34 thoughts on “1 month until Treachery: the Last ARC giveaway!

  1. The Greenman is trying to tell you that you were definitely to blame for my late night on Saturday… (he’s working for me)

    1. My flat’s kitchen, Brigid. My flat’s kitchen… Was so brilliant to see you. What a great conference it was.

  2. The Green Man is trying to say that he salutes you for surviving this summer so far

  3. maybe that superstition about the camera capturing part of someone’s soul is true for green man and you’ve captured some of nature’s chaos in your site!

  4. The Green man is trying to salute you for this amazing giveaway, oh wait…that’s just me 🙂

    tasnim-sheikh AT hotmail DOT com

  5. He is trying to tell you that he was doing a happy dance for your awesome giveaway, and is now to tired to move from his last dance move…:-{D

  6. The Green Man is the name of a pub just outside my home town of Hereford, England. And your Green Man is standing guard, watching out for people trying to subvert the competition by breaking into your house and stealing the precious final ARC! 🙂

  7. The Green Man is saying something extremely important to him. But it’s in a weird, deeply lyrical, singsongy language that has some, but not all, the qualities of extinct Cornish and Old Welsh…maybe some Basque. If you could find someone to translate (you can’t) he’d be saying “Do not ever got to Wal*Mart. Always take your bike a little farther if it means you can patronize the little shop with the kid’s art on the wall by the cash register. Know that life does not have to be sweet, to be delicious. And remember what I said about Wal*Mart.”

  8. Deirdre (6) You could have a point. It certainly feels that way. It seems I orchestrated my own DOS attack!

    Colin (10) I have yet to get to a Green Man pub, but I will one day. Have to, really! 😀

    NotaWarriorPrincess (11) I can almost hear him, from your description, almost but not quite. it’s a language like the wind moving through a forest, the sound of an angry ocean of leaves .

    And to all the people with the dancing *danceofjoy*

    Keep them coming! Hopefully the website will keep up.

  9. It’s so simple. He is saying, “You, who are about to enter RNA Conference land, I admire and salute you. And when you emerge again after midnight tonight, happy, dazed and awash with love for your fellow writers, I will still be here to guide you gently home.”

  10. The Greenman is telling you to look toward the future. To see where you’re going, not where you have been. He tells you of secrets that are for your ears only, sights for you to see.

  11. He is telling you that you forgot to pack something, but he is not really sure what and he is thinking really hard about it

  12. “You look like you deserve a nice cup of tea, Captain Ruth!” – Greenman

  13. The greenman is trying to throw leaf shaped confetti in celebration that there is only 1 month left until I can read the treachery of beautiful things. 🙂

  14. The Greenman is saluting you for your awesomeness ^_^

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

  15. I don’t know much about the Greenman, but in the picture it looks like he could be shielding his eyes from the sun as he looks around trying to find his love. Or maybe my mind got influenced by the fact that you’d been at a Romantic Novelists Association Conference prior to seeing him.

  16. The Greenman is either trying to tell you he needs a haircut (rather, a pruning, to be more precise), OR he’s trying to tell you his head is on backwards and he needs a shave. Either way, there’s pruning required.

    Oh, and I’m very much looking forward to reading The Treachery of Beautiful Things. (Winning the ARC would help immensely in that regard, but I’ll read it regardless, so no win is cool, too.)

  17. Oh my. This is the first time I see a greenman (I know! I must have been living under the rock all this time! :p) so I think the Greenman is trying to say hi to me! x) Plus, he is trying to tell me that Ruth is absolutely awesome for holding this super amazing giveaway. 😉 Oh, and I get distinct feeling that he’s trying to be patriotic because it’s July and hey, fourth of July anyone? xD

    LOL that’s just me and my active imagination though! 😉 Thank you so much for the amazing giveaway, Ruth! 🙂

    my_saphira (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) id

  18. The Greenman is trying to sell you the idea to your NEXT HIT NOVEL! The measly cost? Your SOUL. (Or maybe just four monthly installments of $19.99.)

    This is a great giveaway, thank you! 😀

  19. He’s reminding you that you should write more about him. And that he’s watching you.

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