Category Archives: Worldcon

Worldcon Schedule

We’re almost there. Only a few weeks to go. And the schedules are coming out (still subject to a bit of change of course) but here’s mine so far…

Invasion and the Irish imagination

Format: Panel
15 Aug 2019, Thursday 11:00 – 11:50, Wicklow Hall 2B (CCD)

The history and culture of Ireland have been shaped by invasion, from the mythologisation of Lebor Gabála Érenn (‘The Book of Invasions’), set down in the 11th century, to the arrival of the Normans and English in subsequent centuries. How has Irish fantastic literature engaged with this history? How is it similar to, or different from, other post-colonial fantastic literatures? And how do contemporary Irish SF writers tackle invasion and its aftermath in their work?

Jo Zebedee, Ian McDonald, Dr Jack Fennell, Ruth Frances Long (M) , Peadar Ó Guilín

Introduction to Irish SFF

Format: Panel
15 Aug 2019, Thursday 14:00 – 14:50, Wicklow Hall-1 (CCD)

This panel is the ideal starting place for anyone unfamiliar with Irish SFF. There will be a brief overview of the genre as a whole and how it relates to Irish culture and history, as well as reading recommendations. Later in the convention there will be panels covering the topic in more detail from a variety of viewpoints.

Nick Larter (M), Dr Máire Brophy (ADAPT Centre) , Dr Jack Fennell , Ruth Frances Long

Kaffeeklatsch: Ruth Frances Long

Format: Kaffeeklatsch
15 Aug 2019, Thursday 16:00 – 16:50, Level 3 Foyer (KK/LB) (CCD)

Ruth Frances Long

Stroll with the stars: Saturday

Format: Stroll
17 Aug 2019, Saturday 09:00 – 09:50, Ground Floor Foyer (CCD)

Ruth Frances Long, Vanessa Rose Phin (Strange Horizons) , Sazib Bhuiyan (Can With Candle) Sheila Williams (Asimov’s), Kate Baker (SFWA, Inc. & Clarkesworld Magazine), Kieron Gillen

Fairies and Irish folklore in YA

Format: Panel
17 Aug 2019, Saturday 12:00 – 12:50, Liffey Room-2 (CCD)

Banshees. Leprechauns. Fairy rings. We all know the Irish myths… don’t we? But do they still have power for modern readers? What do we need to understand about the fae folk? And what importance do these traditions have in modern YA stories? Our panellists will explore the influence of Irish myth, folklore, and legend in YA over the years.

Ruth Frances Long (M) , Susan Connolly , Sarah Rees Brennan, Peadar Ó Guilín

(Seriously, for moderating this one, I am thinking of bringing a whip… you’ve been warned.)

Autographs: Saturday at 14:00

Format: Autographing
17 Aug 2019, Saturday 14:00 – 14:50, Level 4 Foyer (CCD)

Ruth Frances Long, Anna Stephens (HarperVoyager UK), Emma Newman, Fred Gambino , Sarah Gailey , Alec Nevala-Lee

Is the musical a work of fantasy?

Format: Panel
17 Aug 2019, Saturday 16:00 – 16:50, Wicklow Room-1 (CCD)

Everyone knows the rules of a musical: all street urchins perform impeccable choreography, every lonely goatherd can carry a tune, and all sisters wear matching outfits differing only by colour. The setting of a musical is as fantastical as a fairy court or witch’s cottage. But does this escape from reality count as a fantasy setting?

Ruth Frances Long, Gabriella Gomez (Science fiction bokhandeln) , Neil Williamson (M) , Marguerite Smith (Dublin 2019) , Lee Harris ( Publishing)

Group Reading: Fiction for Kids and Young Adults

Format: Group reading
18 Aug 2019, Sunday 16:30 – 17:20, Alhambra (Point Square Dublin)

Dublin 2019 presents a special group reading for lovers of children’s and young adult fiction. Our authors provide a range of stories and topics that are sure to delight and entertain!

Christine Taylor-Butler (M), Delia Sherman, Ruth Frances Long

Irish myths and legends for children

Format: Panel
19 Aug 2019, Monday 14:30 – 15:20, Odeon 5 (Point Square Dublin)

Ireland is rich with stories and legends that have been told and retold to children over the years. What is it about these stories that give them such staying power? What role do these tales fulfill in their original forms? And how do we keep them feeling fresh and new for the coming generations?

Ruth Frances Long (M) , Nigel Quinlan , Deirdre Thornton (Dublin City Libraries), Dr Claire Collins (University College Dublin), Mr Michael Scott

I’m also planning to be at

Octocon presents: The Golden Blasters

Format: Awards

18 Aug 2019, Sunday 14:30 – 16:20, Odeon 1 (Point Square Dublin)

Octocon is proud to co-host this year’s Golden Blasters with Dublin 2019. Now in their tenth year, the Blasters are dedicated specifically to the art of the short film and screenplay in the genres of science fiction, horror, and fantasy. Please join us as we show you the finalists for this year’s awards – the winners of which will be decided not only by our panel of judges but also by you, with the coveted Silver Blaster audience award. So be sure to come along and help decide which film will take home this year’s Blaster.

So if you’re at Worldcon, make sure to say hello.

What I did on my Summer Holidays (Worldcon and Eurocon post)

So here I am running late again. Still recovering from our trip to London for the Worldcon event (Loncon3) and then back to Dublin for Eurocon (Shamrokon).

A brilliant time was had by all.

In Loncon we particularly liked the Fan Village, with its village green for playing, vegging and socialising. We did a lot of socialising. There were two tardis (tarises? tardisi?) which may have caused a rupture in the space time continuum but we were in the right sort of company to deal with that. The games tent was another big hit, especially with the small people who had to be removed with a crowbar (almost literally). I was on a few panels which was enormous fun. My fave was probably the one on “What does Ireland have to offer?” but mainly for the random course Liz Bourke, Susan Connolly, K. A. Laity and myself took it on. And Susan’s storytelling.

Then we came back to Dublin for Shamrokon which was also a brilliant brilliant convention. A little more sociable perhaps as it was a lot smaller. Still massive for an Irish convention. We had a preview launch for my new book A Crack in Everything (out on Monday 1st), and I got to hang out with Laura Anne Gilman, C. E. Murphy, Susan Connolly, Kate Sheehy, Mikaela Lind and many more. And puppets. It’s a long story.

But I don’t think I advise taking a puppet on a late night bus. Or giving one to Laura Anne in a crowded area. 😉

I miss everyone. Although I’m seriously exhausted and over stimulated. But it was so much fun.


Book launch proper this day next week – 4th September, 6.30pm in the Gutter bookshop, Cow’s Lane. Please come! All welcome.

Inordinate Excitement

As the summer rolls around I’m starting to prepare for conferences and conventions. Here’s where I’ll be:

The Romantic Novelists Conference, Harper Adams University, Telford, UK – 10th-13th July

I’m here mainly for the giggles, I fully admit, but I plan to be steampunked out with the best of them at the Love of the Past Book Fair at Blists Hill on 11th July and I will have some books on sale for anyone interested.


Loncon3 (ie WORLDCON!!!), Excel Arena, London – 14th-18th August

I’m heading over to London for a combined holiday and Worldcon visit. I’ll be at Worldcon itself from Thursday to Monday and I’m on three panels. The draft schedule is as follows –

Writing 101: Young Adult and Middle Grade Fiction

Saturday 18:00 – 19:00

Young adult and middle grade genres are booming. Still, there’s confusion around these genre categories. Moreover, how are these genres related to children’s and juvenile fiction? Panelists discuss the ins and outs of young adult and middle grade fiction from reading age to diversity, content, characters, and more. How far can you go with language, violence, and sex without crossing the line? What about series, such as Harry Potter, that jump categories mid-stream? How do all of these element affect what we write and publish for middle grade and young adult readers?

Reluctant, or Just Not Interested?

Sunday 11:00 – 12:00

Are reluctant readers being failed by the education system, or is the publishing industry just not giving them what they want?

Tumblr: Dispensing with the Myths

Sunday 19:00 – 20:00

Tumblr is used by companies, politicians, television networks, fans, justice groups, pornographers and pretty much every other type of community found online. Yet to those who don’t use Tumblr it is often a mystery wrapped in an enigma, while those who do use it often keep to their own communities. In this session we discuss Tumblr as a form of social media, its benefits and limitations,  how it is used in general, how it is used within fan cultures and how it is encouraging the evolution of fandom.


Shamrokon (Eurocon!!!), Doubletree Hilton, Dublin – 22nd-24th August

Will let you know what I’m up to there when I do, but it’s going to be awesome!


So there we go. All the excitement and we haven’t even got to the launch of A Crack in Everything yet…