News Glorious News: a New Series

At last I can share the news I have been sitting on until all the i’s were dotted and the t’s crossed.

Then we’ll all do a happy dance, okay?

I’m writing a new YA series for O’Brien Press, set in Dublin and its surroundings (although probably ranging further afield as well) featuring the folklore of the Sidhe, the Irish fairies, and their angelic and demonic cousins. I’m so excited for this one as it has been a while in the making and I’m so delighted to be working with O’Brien Press. I’ll post more about it’s inception and the world these characters inhabit as we get nearer the time. I can’t wait to share it all with you.

The first book in the series “A Crack in Everything” will be out towards the end of next year.

And now for that happy dance, let us all run amok!


15 thoughts on “News Glorious News: a New Series

  1. FANTASTIC NEWS!!!! I’m so thrilled for you Ruth. You absolutely deserve it and I know it will be a fabulous series. So exciting. I shall put my gin down (briefly!) and run amok in your honour 🙂 xxx

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