Category Archives: Photo Moments

#amwritingchallenge and other madness (with photos)

So, as I’ve started putting down words (ie writing!) relating to the final book in the Dubh Linn series which began with A Crack in Everything, known as The Darkness at the End, and this all coincided with the Twitter/Instagram fun of the #amwritingchallenge, there will be intermittent photos. Mostly they’re going on my Instagram (and from there to Tumblr, and Twitter).

So this is it:-


And here are some pictures

1. Where I writeDay1WhereIWrite

2. A Page from Your ManuscriptDay2Manuscript

3. What you drink when you writeDay3Drink


I’ll try to keep posting here as well but it’ll probably be intermittent, so you may want to follow me on Instagram, Tumblr or Twitter if you’re interested. 😀

Co Clare adventure

So I promised some people photos from our Easter trip to Co. Clare, Bunratty Folk Park, the Burren, the Cliffs of Moher etc etc.

Boy are you going to regret that request. Sit back, this may take some time… (hope it works!)


Any questions leave them in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer. Yes, I’ve probably misspelled half the names. It was a beautiful place and such a special holiday. Lots of story inspiration and plotbunnies too!

Hope you enjoy.

Fun and games with the Romantic Novelists

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Finally getting myself back into action after the Romantic Novelists Conference this year, which was held in Sheffield, at a place called the Edge. Oh the jokes just write themselves there… women on the edge, anyone?

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It was of course another wonderful conference. Filled with good food and great company. There was some toasting and a kitchen party with the ChocLit crew.IMG_4300 (800x533)

If you’ve never been to an RNA Conference, the kitchen parties are something else. There are always several naughty kitchens. This year however I wimped out on Friday night because I had “things to do” on Saturday. I was wise. It is a rare event.

On Saturday morning Imogen Howson and I gave a talk on writing YA.


Our lovely audience began to gather, bringing with them excellent reading materials.

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  Saturday night is gala dinner night so dressed in our finery the girls of F3 (Kate Johnson, Imogen Howson, myself, Sarah Callejo, Talli Roland and Jane Lovering) headed off to the ball. At the Edge. And over the edge.

We have a rep to live up to. Or something.IMG_4337 (800x533)

Kate won the Elizabeth Goudge trophy with a novel opening about Ice Giants apparently. Now I want to read it. It’ll go on the list with that murder mystery set on a spaceship about reincarnation I need to write now… The danger of chatting with writers in groups. It brings out the plot bunnies.

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 The party may have continued for some time. Hey, we had things to celebrate. Again.
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Most of all we celebrated spending another wonderful conference together. By the time I got home, nice as it was to be back, I admit to being homesick for flat F3. Roll on next year in Shropshire. I’m thinking another road trip is in order. Who’s with me?

(please excuse the slightly dodgy alignment of photos and text – I’m having fun and games with my website too. But soon that will all change. Oh yes. Bwahahahaha! News to come).

They’re only trees

Another spooky image. Spot the monster in the trees…

They're only trees
They’re only trees

Based on a photo I took up on Killiney Hill
There’s some more to come but I’m off to the Romantic Novelists Conference in Sheffield this weekend.

Imogen Howson and I will be giving a talk on writing YA called “The 16 year old in my head”. Should be fun. Or terrifying. Perhaps both. But afterwards there will be lots of partying to enjoy. I’m really looking forward to it.

I’d better start packing.


1 month until Treachery is in paperback

It’s only 1 month to go until the paperback release of The Treachery of Beautiful Things, so to celebrate, here’s that Titania picture I was talking about.  More TTOBTArt – anyone else want to send me something?

Titania from The Treachery of Beautiful Things
Titania from The Treachery of Beautiful Things based on images on by frugo and kotiskin.


Paperback release countdown begins

It’s 42 days until the paperback release of The Treachery of Beautiful Things. 42, such an awesome number!

To celebrate I made a thing again. It’s rather pretty. You can help me spread the word by sharing.

The Treachery of Beautiful Things by Ruth Frances Long - paperback available 1st August 2013
The Treachery of Beautiful Things by Ruth Frances Long – paperback available 1st August 2013


You can pre-order a copy online from all sorts of places like Indiebound, Book Depository & Amazon

More things to come in the next month and a half (or so). Keep checking back with me.

Playing with pictures

I made a thing.

The base image came free from and I thought it fitted with the quote from The Treachery of Beautiful Things. I’m using, which isn’t too difficult to pick up. Takes a little bit of trial and error but it’s intuitive enough (or at least I could make it work so that’s a good advert for it). I haven’t played with images for a while but I’ll have to try and do a few more soon. They’re fun.

A day off, a day out

We were back in Marlay Park yesterday in search of the fairy tree. Spring has well and truly arrived and the fairies appear to have been hard at work expanding their treetop fortress. Last week I finished the first draft on a new WIP, a timeslip story which is making me squee quite a bit (it also accounts for my uncharacteristic quietness). So I needed some down time and a day in the park is the perfect thing. I recently came across a new word (new to me) – a Nemophilist – One who is fond of forest or forest scenery; a haunter of the woods. So I have a word for me now! I’m hoping this down time will last for a short while. I have lots of books to read, some things to crit and some crits to wait for. In the meantime, here are some photos from yesterday.