Psst wanna win an ARC of The Treachery of Beautiful Things?

I’ve a guestpost up on The Book Pushers today, as part of their Fantasy Appreciation Week, on fairytales in modern fantasy — Fairytales in a modern dress. And if that’s not lure enough… oh all right, you can enter to win an author review copy of The Treachery of Beautiful Things!

The giveaway ends on 13th April, and it’s open internationally.

5 thoughts on “Psst wanna win an ARC of The Treachery of Beautiful Things?

  1. Ms. Long,

    I don’t usually read YA but your book looks interesting enough to lure me to the dark side. I am looking forward to its release. On an other note, having trolled through your website, I must add that I’m intrigued by your other work as well. And, as a result, I will be adding it to my TBR pile.
    I would love to win an ARC of your book.

  2. Wow! What a great opening for us fantasy lovers! I would really like to win an ARC! I really want to read this book since it sounds enchanting! The cover is beautiful and i’m sure that the content is even more surprising!
    Thank you for the wonderful opportunity.
    Simona H

    Ps: Your website looks really beautiful! It’s like a new enchanting world!

    1. Thanks Simona. The contest on Book Pushers is open until the 13th and I’ll hopefully have a few more coming up between now and August.

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