Bits & Bobs & Recovery

Storyland on RTE

Hope you’ve all headed over to watch the first webisode of Victory and of course VOTE! (Apparently you need to do this in Internet Explorer).

From Tumblr:

“Romance novels are feminist documents. They’re written almost exclusively by women, for women, and are concerned with women: their relations in family, love and marriage, their place in society and the world, and their dreams for the future. Romances of the Golden Age are rife with the sociopolitical limitations of their period, it must be said. They’re exclusively hetero, and exclusively white, for example. Even so, they can be strangely sublime.”

From this awesome awl article Romance Novels, The Last Great Bastion Of Underground Writing which I recommend you read. (via champagnecandy & iandsharman)

And finally, my website got hacked again. It’s (obviously) all sorted now. I can’t understand how anyone gains from this sort of thing. It’s just malicious, another form of bullying, and so very frustrating.