Weekend plans

As many of you know, Octocon is on this weekend (10th-11th October 2009) and I will be there, launching The Scroll Thief at 5.30pm on Saturday. I have some advance copies of the book and will be signing them for your delight and entertainment. I may even read (so if nothing else you can get a quick 40 winks).

I also believe I’m on a couple of panels:

Saturday, 1pm – Unnecessary Romance: Our hero has just saved the world! Now to save the girl. Shoehorning romance into action stories.


Sunday, 11 am – Bechdel in SF – Bechdel’s Law: 1. Does it have at least two women in it, 2. Who [at some point] talk to each other, 3. About something besides a man. Our panelists discuss the merits of this law in SF.

Still have to formulate some more thoughts on these (besides “omgomgbooklaunchomg”)

If you’re going to be around, come and join in. If you’re going to be around at about 5.30om PLEASE come and join in. 😉