It really has been a long time since I posted here. I have no excuse apart from falling into the writing cave and still not having found my way out. I’m working on a new epic fantasy that is just taking up all my time so far. Isn’t it amazing when a story just takes over. Unfortunately for me, while this one has taken over, it is doing so in slow motion. I have about a quarter of the length I’d like so far. Mind you, there’s often that thing where suddenly the story gets going and won’t stop!
The very odd thing with this one is the way it is coming out.
I’ve talked about crazy writer brain before. This book has two points of view. Crazy writer brain has decided that one will only be typed directly into the manuscript while the other must be written out longhand before being typed in. So… that’s slowing things down too.
It’s also fun to be writing for fun though. And this is fun. It’s a rollercoaster of a story and I’m loving every minute of it.
There are other things in the works. But this one, so far, is just for me.
And that’s one of the really great things about writing. First and foremost, I write the book I want to read.
In the meantime here’s a belated Saint Brigid’s day picture from Brigid’s well in Kildare. I’m sure BrĂ would understand…