
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get to the Romantic Novelists Conference due to personal circumstances. Ah well, next year…


In other news my Loncon3 schedule has changed slightly and is now as follows:

Autographing 6 – Ruth Long

Saturday 12:00 – 13:30, Autographing Space (ExCeL)

Better make sure I have some books! If you’re there, please come or I will feel all alone!!!


Writing 101: Young Adult and Middle Grade Fiction

Saturday 18:00 – 19:00, Capital Suite 5 (ExCeL)

Young adult and middle grade genres are booming. Still, there’s confusion around these genre categories. Moreover, how are these genres related to children’s and juvenile fiction? Panelists discuss the ins and outs of young adult and middle grade fiction from reading age to diversity, content, characters, and more. How far can you go with language, violence, and sex without crossing the line? What about series, such as Harry Potter, that jump categories mid-stream? How do all of these element affect what we write and publish for middle grade and young adult readers?


What does Ireland have to offer?

Sunday 11:00 – 12:00, Capital Suite 2 (ExCeL)

Ireland is disticntly different as a nation and it’s people posses a unique identity. How does this work through the craetive fiction of modern times? Has the mighty weight of Irish Mythology that have permeated fantasy had an impact on modern writers in Ireland? Where is the new fiction coming from, and what issues of interest are explored?


Shamrokon is still on target and I will have news about the launch of A CRACK IN EVERYTHING soon. It’s only 45 days to go. And it’s now up on Goodreads so please go and say you’re going to read it!