Back from RNA Conference

But utterly braindead and exhausted. Learned lots, laughed lots, met some wonderful wonderful people and had a fantastic time.

In a while, when I have recovered a little and libraryland stops its total upheaval that has to happen (apparently) when I go away for a day or two, I will sort out photos and a blog post with some of the things covered – like Sarah Duncan’s fantastic tips on lifting a ms from good to great, Kate Walkers fab conflict workshop, and that wonderful “Oh my God, it’s 2am and we have to be at a session at 9am” moment!

But since all day today I had to struggle to say Connolly instead of Colony (and failed), I think I need a rest!

(plus I really really want to read Julie Cohen’s “Girl from Mars”)

9 thoughts on “Back from RNA Conference

  1. I’m still trying to catch up on my sleep! Oh, the memories I have (most of them food or wine related, and some of them even really happened.) It was lovely to meet you, sorry I couldn’t say goodbye properly, hope you had a safe journey home.

    1. No problem at all. I was there for lunch, but ducked out afterwards and nipped up to the Observatory to have an added mooch! 🙂

      The trip home went very very smoothly. No stress at all.

      There was a lot of food, wasn’t there? 😀

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